
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

H.W. Carter & Sons

H.W. Carter & Sons are making their foray into the world of reignited heritage brands. So far, so good in my opinion. Available now on their SITE are aprons and bandanas....surely there will be more to come fast and furious in the near future. I picked up the bandana in navy blue and it's beautifully done and man sized!


  1. Do these guys also sell baby clothes?

  2. Might be the same parent company, but Carters is the brand that makes children's clothing. Sort of like Osh Kosh.

  3. H.W. Carter & Sons and Carter's are 2 different companies.

    H.W. Carter & Sons is inspired by Henry Carter's company which was a work wear driven company.

    Carter's is part of the William Carter company founded in 1865. At that time they were primarily an underwear company.
