
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Heller's Cafe - Warehouse Grizzly Jacket

I was lucky enough to see this one in person at Inspiration L.A. 2011 in February. Like everything else Heller's does, this early style jacket is spectacular in every sense of the word. Available at Blue in Green (size 38 only), it's an early version that an original was being offered for at $20K. I guess 10% at $2K is fair then!


Anonymous said...

"Oh la la" ! How we used to said in French.

Matt Strickland said...

I know! Luckily they don't make it in my size...I'd be so poor!!! LOL!!!

Rider Wear said...

where from i get these leather jackets? these brands are looking much beautiful and comfortable.

mens jeans

Matt Strickland said...

You could contact these guys:


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