There are a couple of pieces that I have my eye on the the calico shirt (middle left) and buckle back pants (top right). Given Christophe's French background, it doesn't surprise me that he did this type of collection. Also fits in with the 1920's rage that's buzzing around the Boardwalk Empire series. I think it's a neat collection overall.
Would love to, but we're going home a couple days before Inspiration. Flying from Sweden to Vegas next week to start our two week road trip, ending up in, and flying home from, San Francisco. But I'm not missing the Grand National Roadster Show next weekend! I'm a sucker for trad. Hot Rod & Kustoms...
Dont' miss this collection…Apache style is on the air !!!!!!!! I'm crazy about calico shirt and striped vest and pants, of course !!!!!!! best
Oh là là! I want some of that!
Such nice looking fabrics.
Hmmm...not really my cup of tea.
You dig it, Matt?
it's all about the French baby !!
There are a couple of pieces that I have my eye on the the calico shirt (middle left) and buckle back pants (top right). Given Christophe's French background, it doesn't surprise me that he did this type of collection. Also fits in with the 1920's rage that's buzzing around the Boardwalk Empire series. I think it's a neat collection overall.
...also have to agree with French Cancan on the stripe pants and vest. Will wait for the pricing/sizing though!
Vive le France!
Looking great! Can´t wait to visit the Mister Freedom store during my Cali trip the next couple of weeks!
Mr. Alcen - are you going to Inspiration? I'll be there!
Would love to, but we're going home a couple days before Inspiration. Flying from Sweden to Vegas next week to start our two week road trip, ending up in, and flying home from, San Francisco. But I'm not missing the Grand National Roadster Show next weekend! I'm a sucker for trad. Hot Rod & Kustoms...
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