
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Photo of the Day


grant said...

Cool photo. I wonder if the photo was taken near one of the Japanese internment camps in central Utah during the war.

Matt Strickland said...

Nah, it's at a factory during the war...can't remember where. Those internment camps were pretty well isolated.

grant said...

I dunno know about that. One of the largest internment camps Topaz just outside of Delta. They used to let workers in the camp work in town. There are more than a few Asian faces in that crowd to be just a factory in Utah. Just a hunch.

Cool photo regardless and thanks for posting.

PhilT said...

That picture is mirrored (or the negative was reversed). There's "Oahu Railway" written on the train.

PS: really nice Blog, I'm checkin' it out almost daily...

Matt Strickland said...

Thanks Phil...not sure if there was a relocation camp in Hawaii?


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