
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ACL - RRL at the Rhinelander Mansion

A Continuous Lean blog has a juicy article on the new RRL joint that is opening at the Rhinelander Mansion in NYC.  Full article HERE.


Patrick Segui RIVETED said...

ugliest engineer boots i've ever seen for sure !! enough about vintage for the yuppies

Matt Strickland said...

I think they are designed for short people with those big heels on them.

Patrick Segui RIVETED said...


Matt Strickland said...

What do you think of this "Prep" trend that seems to be everywhere?

Laurence John said...

i've seen a few Ralph Lauren pieces that i'd gladly own, but there's no way i can afford his prices.

as for trends, they come and go. Prep is just another one of those staples that comes around every other year.

Matt Strickland said...

I have had a few RRL items....mostly average quality, high priced and made over seas somewhere like China. Not what you'd expect for the price they demand.


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