
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

1890's Levi's Denim Pants

Thanks to my friend Pat for tipping me off to these! Available for the low, low price of approximately $70,000 USD, this pair of 1890's Levi's is being sold by Marvin's Vintage in Japan:


flattop said...

Pretty good shape compared to most from that era...I wonder where they were found.

Patrick Segui RIVETED said...

that's what dreams are made of !

flattop said...

I can find better uses for 70K, though.

Matt Strickland said...

Like mining for other precious commodities, you would be able to dig up a pair for much less? Plenty of people are making a decent living off of it!

French cancan said...

Marvin's vintage…the best japanese vintage shop……… for millionaires…


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