
Monday, March 14, 2011

Speedway Japan - Recent Disaster

Many of you know if you follow my blog, I've posted quite a few items from Speedway and the Lofgren line in particular. Their retail store was in the heart of the recent earthquake/tsunami disaster in Sendai and was completely destroyed. That said, their on-line operations are still functional and they could really use the support at this time. John Lofgren assures me that over 90% of their stock was not at the retail location and is available for purchase via eBay or their on-line store:


You can contact them directly at to confirm they have an item available for purchase. Our hearts go out to everyone in Japan that has suffered as a result of this recent disaster. 


Mose said...

Excellent post Matt! Thanks.
Been thinking the same thing.

I linked to it on my blog.

kintaro said...

Great idea, i also made a post on my blog, hope you don't mind me lending your idea.
I just received some stuff from John, and i wanted to give the guys at Speedway all the support i could.

Matt Strickland said...

Kintaro - you could just post a link to my blog?


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