
Monday, March 21, 2011

Photo of the Day


grant said...

WWII USN denim dungarees are awesome. Does anyone make a good reproduction of them?

Matt Strickland said... has a decent set of WWII era U.S. Navy dungarees and shawl collar coat. Priced fairly too!

grant said...

I was always suspect of their denim because some of their HBT stuff is off. I'm in LA for a bit so will have to make a trip to their showroom and check it out. Thanks

Matt Strickland said...

Who has better HBT?

grant said...

When it comes to WWII USMC HBT, believe it or not, several years ago RRL came out with a pair of HBT dungarees that were a dead on match to the color of USMC type 2 combat pants complete with the correct pocket shape and black anodized buttons. They really nailed the subtle green/mustard color of USMC HBT. I bought two pairs and have washed and worn a pair over the years and they've faded to look just like originals. I also have a pair of WWII Impressions USMC HBT's and they're just don't match the subtle color difference of USMC HBT.

Matt Strickland said...

How many pairs of vintage ones do you own? I've never had a pair myself.

grant said...

I own two pairs of original USMC HBT's and three pairs of ARMY HBT's. Originak USMC HBT's are really tough to find in larger sizes.


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